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疯狂动物城主题曲歌词 疯狂动物城主题曲歌词是什么

科普大全 2023-09-16 21:27:24

疯狂动物城主题曲歌词 疯狂动物城主题曲歌词是什么

1、疯狂动物城主题曲叫《Try Everything》。

2、《Try Everything》歌词如下:

Oh oh oh oh oooh

Oh oh oh oh oooh

Oh oh oh oh oooh

Oh oh oh oh oooh

I messed up tonight

I lost another fight

I still mess up but Ill just start again

I keep falling down

I keep on hitting the ground

I always get up now to see whats next

Birds dont just fly they fall down and get up

Nobody learns without getting it wrong

I wont give up

No I wont give in tilI l reach the end,

and then Ill start again

No I wont leave I wanna try everything

I wanna try even though I could fail

I wont give up no I wont give in till I reach the end,

and then Ill start again

No I wont leave I wanna try everything

I wanna try even though I could fail

Oh oh oh oh oooh

Try everything

Oh oh oh oh oooh

Try everything

Oh oh oh oh oooh

Try everything

Oh oh oh oh oooh

Look at how far youve come

You filled your heart with love

Maybe youve done enough

Take a deep breath

Dont beat yourself up

Dont need to run so fast

Sometimes we come last but we did our best

I wont give up

No I wont give in till I reach the end,

and then Ill start again

No I wont leave I wanna try everything

I wanna try even though I could fail

I wont give up

No I wont give in till I reach the end,

and then Ill start again

I wanna try even though I could fail

Ill keep on making those new mistakes

Ill keep on making them every day

Those new mistakes

Oh oh oh oh oooh

Try everything

Oh oh oh oh oooh

Try everything

Oh oh oh oh oooh

Try everything

Oh oh oh oh oooh

Try everything

3、《Try Everything》是哥伦比亚女歌手夏奇拉演唱的歌曲,是电影《疯狂动物城》的主题曲。

标签: 疯狂   歌词   主题   动物

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